Michigan Grappler Recruiting Profile

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Videos of Brent Winecoff:
2009 Grand River Rumble - Winecoff vs Troy Lamson (Swan Valley)

Copyright 2007-09 Michigan Grappler LLC
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Brent Winecoff (Canton)
Graduating Class:
MI Grappler Recruiting Rank:
2009-10 HS Weight:
Projected College Weight:
State Tournament Placings:
National Accomplishments:


Scouting Report (Fall 09):  Winecoff was right in the hunt for a state title last year and actually beat Josh Houldsworth (#5 recruit) during the 08-09 regular season.  He is a hard-nosed wrestler who controls ties and attacks well on his feet.  This summer he fared well in Disney, going 8-3 in his first major national expierence.  He suffered an overtime loss to Troy Lamson (#17) at the Grand River Rumble, but was right in the match.  He looks like he will develop into a 157lber for college, but he may not have the height to get much bigger than that. He will have his hands full winning a state title this year as well as Houldsworth is back and #1 recruit Jackson Morse will be in the picture as well with Lowell moving up to Division 1.

College Choice: Eastern Michigan
X-7th-3rd-2nd (Div 1)
8-3 @ 2009 Disney Duals