Holt Invitational

January 23, 2010
Holt High School

Team Standings
1-DCC 289
2-Rockford 242.5
3-Holt 233.5
4-Cincinnatti.Prin. 226
5- East Kentwood 186
6-Bedford 169.5
7-Adrian 151
8-Howell 139
9-Midland 109
10-Ferndale 107
11-Novi 99
12-Swartz Creek 78
13- Portage Northern 74
14-Davison 73
15- Walled Lake Central 69
16-Holt B 43

Individual Placewinners

1. Selman (Cinc-P)
2. Ragoliner  (TB)
3. Garcia (Adrian)
4. Pillars (Howell)
5. Fagan (DCC)
6. Vanrooven (Rockford)
7. Wireman (Holt)
8. Morrell (EK)

1. Rodriguez (Holt)
2. Calandrino  (Howell)
3. Allison (TB)
4. Bade (DCC)
5. Munye (EK)
6. Rovas (Rockford)
7. Garcia (Adrian)

1. Trevino (Holt)
2. Thompson (DCC)
3. Hughes (Portage Northern)
4. Sorells (Cin-P)
5. Orozco (Adrian)
6. Broecker (EK)
7. Childs (Swartz Creek)
8. Maksimawski (Rockford)


1. Mooradian (DCC)
2. Scholten (Rockford)
3. Donaho (Swartz Creek)
4. Lyon (Holt)
5. Hang (EK)
6. Albuerne (Novi)
7. Czerneski (Howell)
8. Baglin (Cin-P).

1. Byers (Rockford)
2. Joseph (DCC)
3. Strugess (Swartz Creek)
4. Nelson (Cin-P)
5. Geerlings (EK)
6. Dyer (Holt)
7. Hughes (Howell)
8. Sholty (HoltB)

1. Gibbs (TB)
2. Hundley (Cin-P)
3. Mason (DCC)
4. Curley (EK)
5. Saldana (Davison)
6. Apkarian (Rockford)
7. Tucker (Howell)
8. Albuerne (Novi)

1. Melick (DCC)
2. Baker (Holt)
3. Parks (EK)
4. Galvan (Adrian)
5. Wilder (Cin-P_
6. Scogg, Austin (Rockford)
7. Maxwell (Midland)
8. Stave (Swartz Creek)

1. Eldridge (DCC)
2. Bohn (EK)
3. Seyka (Holt)
4. Bunney (Novi)
5. Root (Howell)
6. Marion (Walled Lake Central)
7. Hudson (TB)
8. Durfee (HoltB)

1. Watts (Ferndal)
2. Nelson (EK)
3. Carlstrom (Rockford)
4. Horton (Adrian)
5. Francis (Cin-P)
6. Duvall (TB
7. Haddad (Holt)
8. Leavens (Howell)

1. Mason (Cin-P)
2. Rodriguez (Adrian)
3. Hanton (Holt)
4. Krill (Walled Lake Central)
5. Patritto (Howell)
6. Engebretson (Novi)
7. Mondoux (Portage Northern)
8. Couch (EK)


1. Dorulla (Rockford)
2. Andring (Holt)
3. Farris (Ferndale)
4. Pressley (Cin-P)
5. Draizher (TB)
6. Ham (Midland)
7. Dobson (Howell)
8. Diaz (Davison)


1. Johnson (Rockford)
2. Stepp (Cin-P)
3. Trealout (DCC)
4. White (Adrian)
5. Sparling (Novi)
6. Abby (Swartz Creek)
7. Lynch (Ferndale)
8. Snell (Midland)


1. Stefanski (Rockford)
2. Kinville (DCC)
3. Wray (Midland)
4. Mencer (Novi)
5. Johnson ?
6. Crocker  (Ferndale)
7. Hyden (Davison)
8. Engirna (Howell)


1. Cole (TB)
2. Norten (Cin-P)
3. Knuth (DCC)
4. Teff (Portage Northern)
5. Jasper (Adrian)
6. Culp (Holt)
7. Caster (EK)
8. Williams (Ferndale)


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