Michigan Grappler's Preseason Top 5

Individual Rankings - All Divisions

1. Jacob Scholten (Grandville), Jr.
2. Freddie Rodriguez (Holt), Fr.
3. Brenan Lyon (Ithaca), Sr.
4. Josh Zaluga (Charlotte), So.
5. Joey White (Dundee), So.

1. B.J. Suitor (Swan Valley), Jr.
2. Chris Rau (Dundee), So.
3. Herman Gillium (Clio), Jr.
4. Collin Zeerip (Hesperia), Jr.
5. Anthony Pavlich (Westland John Glenn), Jr.

1. Kyle Waldo (Rockford), Sr.
2. Roger Wildmo (Durand), So.
3. Darius Wass (Swan Valley), Jr.
4. Conor Youtsey (Mason), So.
5. Allen Krupp (New Lothrop), Sr.

1. Paul Hancock (Dearborn Fordson), Sr.
2. Jared Germaine (Swan Valley), Sr.
3. Robbie Bidlingmaeir (Anchor Bay), Sr.
4. Jake Byers (Rockford), Jr.
5. Tyler Keselring (Greenville), Jr.

1. Dan Osterman (St. Johns), Sr.
2. Pete Rendina (Dundee), Sr.
3. Cameron Amateis (Lanse Creuse), Sr.
4. Zach Davis (Davison), Sr.
5. Zach Crim (Haslett), Sr.

1. Mike Leholm (Jackson NW), Sr.
2. Andrew Schutt (Yale), Sr.
3. Ryan Nieman (Bullock Creek), Jr.
4. Seth Schaner (Big Rapids), Sr.
5. Nick Humes (Stevensville Lakeshore), Jr.

1. Craig Eifert (Mason), Sr
2. Zach Johnson (Rockford), Jr
3. Josh Houldsworth (Holly), Jr.
4. Garrett Schaner (Big Rapids), Jr.
5. Charlie Cordero (RH Stoney Creek), Sr.

*189lbs revised 10/4
Comments, feedback, corrections on rankings may be sent to rankings@michigangrappler.com or by filling out a Rankings Submission Form

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May not be reproduced without expressed written consent
Contact via email: admin@michigangrappler.com
1. Taylor Massa (St Johns), Fr.
2. Calib Rought (Fremont), Sr.
3. Riley Ewalt (Carson City Crystal), Sr.
4. Shea Hasenauer (DCC), Sr.
5. Jacob Jeske (Swan Valley), Sr.

1. Brandon Zeerip (Hesperia), Sr.
2. Jackson Morse (Lowell), Jr.
3. Jordan Thomas (Greenville), Fr.
4. Joey Yost (Anchor Bay), Sr.
5. Jake Potyraj (Wyoming Park), Sr.

1. Dan Yates (Hesperia), Sr.
2. Adam Miller (Sparta). Sr.
3. Jake Dorulla (Rockford), Jr.
4. Nick Kaczanowski (Rochester) Sr..
5. Tim Gingerich (Lowell), Sr.

1. Ryan Olep (Lowell), Jr.
2. John Rizgallah (Allegan), Jr.
3. Kyle March (Goodrich), Sr.
4. Aaron Risch (Williamston), Jr.
5. Mike Curby (Hillsdale), Jr.

1. Kyler Elsworth (Goodrich), Sr.
2. Evan Gros (Lake Orion), Sr.
3. Nick Whitenburg (Temperance Bedford), Sr.
4. Dillon Kern (Fowlerville), Sr.
5. Grant Cook (Dansville), Sr.

1. Nick McDiarmid (Fowlerville), Jr.
2. Mike Lasinski (Richmond), Sr.
3. Joe Stefanski (Rockford), Jr.
4. Jeff Beebe (Allendale), Sr.
5. Zack Ritter (Byron), Sr.

1. Andrew Stebbins (Romeo), Sr.
2. Jesse Somsel (Rockford), Sr.
3. Michael McClure (Holland West Ottawa), Sr.
4. David Box (Milan), Sr.
5. Ryan Steverson (Lakewood), Jr.