Michigan Grappler Recruiting Profile

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Videos of Nick Bohn:
2009 Junior Freestyle Nationals - Bohn vs Bart Reiter (Iowa)

Copyright 2007-09 Michigan Grappler LLC
May not be reproduced without expressed written consent
Contact via email: admin@michigangrappler.com
Nick Bohn (East Kentwood)
X-X-6th (Div 1)
3-2 @ 2009 Junior Freestyle Nationals
6th @ 2008 Cadet Freestyle Nationals

Graduating Class:
MI Grappler Recruiting Rank:
2008-09 HS Weight:
Projected College Weight:
State Tournament Placings:
National Accomplishments:

ACT: 29
GPA: 3.4 (w/AP credits)

Bio:  Bohn didn't come on until his junior year of high school, however, over the past two years he has competed as much nationally as anyone and scored some major victories.  At the Western Junior Regional this spring in Vegas he scored a fall over Dylan Ness of Minnesota, who is currently listed as the #17 recruit in the country right now.  He also scored a win in Fargo over nationally ranked Bart Reiter of Minnesota.  Although he didn't place his Fargo performance was impressive as both of his losses came to nationally kids.  He is short and stocky and his success over highly ranked guys shows how well he competes.

College Choice: Undecided - looking into Pre-Med