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Fargo Photo Gallery: Cadet Greco-Roman

Fargo Coverage Section

All Photos by Rob and Correnea Scripter of CS Photography
Devin Pommerenke shown here scoring a fall over Trystan Palmer of Oregon at 285lbs.
Alex Calandrino, 105lb All-American
Anthony Abro (red) scoring on a slide by against Sam Pirtle of Illinois
Ben Whitford (red) scores on a gutwrench against Tanner Mjelde of Washington
Anthony Abro (blue) hitting a slide by on Bruce McWilliams of Iowa
Devin Pommerenke (blue) fighting for position against Doug Volloro of Florida
Jacob Schmitt, All-American at 91lbs
Taylor Massa sending Zachary Morris of Virginia for a ride
Taylor Massa (red) scoring on a gut wrench against
Anthony Abro and Team Michigan coach David Bolyard
Taylor Massa
Devin Pommerenke
Ben Whitford (blue)