Division 1
#. School (previous rank)
1. Lowell (2)
2. Detroit Catholic Central (3)
3. Hartland (1)
4. Rockford (5)
5. Westland John Glenn (8)
6. Canton (4)
7. Holt (6)
8. Oxford (7)
9. Temperance Bedford (9)
10. Romeo (NR)
Division 2
#. School (previous rank)
1. St Johns (4)
2. Allegan (1)
3. Greenville (3)
4. Stevensville Lakeshore (2)
5. Dearborn Hts Annapolis (5)
6. Corunna (6)
7. Grand Rapids Northview (10)
8. Holly (7)
9. Adrian (9)
10. Comstock Park (NR)
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MichiganGrappler.com/M.W.A. High School Team Rankings
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Power 15
#. School (previous rank)
1. Dundee (6)
2. Lowell (5)
3. Detroit Catholic Central (7)
4. St Johns (11)
5. Richmond (2)
6. Allegan (3)
7. Hartland (1)
8. Greenville (8)
9. Stevensville Lakeshore (4)
10. Rockford (10)
11. Westland John Glenn (NR)
12. Dearborn Hts Annapolis (15)
13. Canton (9)
14. Hudson (12)
15. Holt (13)
Division 3
#. School (previous rank)
1. Dundee (2)
2. Richmond (1)
3. Swan Valley (3)
4. Shelby (10)
5. Caro (4)
6. Remus Chippewa Hills  (5)
7. Whitehall (9)
8. Birch Run (6)
9. Bullock Creek (7)
10. Lakewood (8)
Division 4
#. School (previous rank)
1. Hudson (1)
2. Hesperia (2)
3. Iron Mountain (3)
4. Manchester (4)
5. Addison (5)
6. New Lothrop (6) 
7. Clinton (NR)
8. Ithaca (7)
9. Leroy Pine River (8)
10. Schoolcraft (9)