2013 Freak Show Breakdown


By Steve Widzinski
Site Editor & HS Analyst

Michigan Placewinners:
108lbs - Lucas Hall, 4th
122lbs - Bailey Jack, 2nd
133lbs - Zac Hall, 1st
143lbs - Cole Weaver, 1st

Here is a breakdown of all the big wins and losses for Michigan's entries at the 2013 Freak Show in Las Vegas:

Lucas Hall: 4th Place 108lbs
Notable Wins
10-2 Major Decision over Andrew Nelms (CA, Cadet Folk 4th)
7-4 Decision over Flo #17 Kaden Gfeller (OK, Cadet FS Champ)
5-1 Decision over Drew Hildebrandt (IN State 8th)

1-0 Decision to JJ Figueroa (CA, Freakshow 5th)
4-3 Decision to Flo #19 Jason Renteria (IL, Super 32 MS Champ)

Bailey Jack: 2nd Place 122lbs
Notable Wins
5-2 OT Decision over Joey Dorado (CA, Reno World 4th)
4-1 Decision over Seth Elwood (MN State Runner Up)
8-7 Decision over Evan Wick (CA State Qualifier & Cadet Folk 5th)

7-3 Decision to Anthony Hernandez (CA 2X State Qualifier)

Zac Hall: 1st Place 133lbs
Notable Wins
11-4 Decision over Victor Olmos (CA 3X State Qualifier)
6-1 Decision over Michael Cook (ID 3X State Champ)
3-1 OT Decision over Flo #15 Emelio Saavedra (3X Flo AA)

Cole Weaver: 4th Place 143lbs
Notable Wins
5-3 Decision over Johnny O’Hearon (UT, Cadet Folk 8th)
3-2 Decision over Uzo Owuama (CA, Freakshow 5th)

6-1 Decision to Flo #1 Seth Gross (MN, Junior FS Champ)
3-2 Decision to Ralphy Tovar (CA State 5th)

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