Dominick Lomazzo leads tentative Final Fab 50 Results
8/5 - The 2012-2013 Fab 50 Season has come to a close. The tentative final standings for the 2013 MI Grappler Fab 50 are posted below.
The links below display the Fab 50 standings. The official, final standings will be released after all corrections, additions, and or mistakes have been submitted. Next week we will unveil the final fab 50 with any corrections included.
We are asking for wrestlers and parents to review the Fab 50 Standings and submit any relevant corrections to be made. Please read the guidelines for what we are looking for in terms of Fab 50 corrections.
We will be taking corrections or errors for the next week, the last day to submit corrections will be Sunday, August 11th.
- Corrections to Top 10 or Top 50 - With the huge number of wrestlers included in this report, there will be a lot of small errors. We are only concerned with the mistakes that will impact or change the Top 10 or Top 50 wrestlers. Therefore, please only send in corrections or additions for results that will put a wrestler over 67 points or 112 points. In the future please try to register your wrestlers with same first and last name in all tournaments.
- High School wrestlers or out-of-state wrestlers - sometimes we accidently pick up 9th grade wrestlers and out-of-state wrestlers when tracking the results. We do our best to exclude these wrestlers, but they do sometimes slip through the cracks. If you notice a wrestler who was in High School last year or resides out of the state of Michigan that is in the top 50 please let us know so we can remove him or her.
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May not be republished or reproduced without expressed, written permission