Observerland Tournament

Feb 6, 2010

Individual Finals Results:
103 pounds: 1st place: T.J. Fagan (CC) dec. Keshaw Patel (C), 4-0; 3rd: Kyle Gillies (JG) dec. Dan Martinez (LF), 1-0; 5th: Nimantha Herath (F) dec. Shadi Jammoul (P), 3-0.

112: 1st place: Ken Bade (CC) dec. Steve Wakeford (JG), 6-0; 3rd: Gabe Martinez (LF) won by injury default over Alec Breckenridge (P); 5th: Jacob Meadows (LC) won by maj. Dec. over Daniel Fillippelli, 16-8.

119: 1st place: Josh Austin (JG) won by maj. dec. over Todd Melick (CC), 14-6; 3rd place: Matt Jaisle (NF) dec. Adrew Sanders (FH), 9-7; 5th: Steve Tuyo (LF) won by maj. dec. over Said Youssef, 15-2.

125: 1st place: Alec Mooradian (CC) won by tech fall over Laith Francis (LW), 15-0 in 5:00; 3rd: Waleed Faraj (C) won by maj dec. over Devin Stratton (S), 15-4; 5th: Erik Czech (LF) dec. Rob Schramm, 8-6.

130: 1st place: Anthony Pavlich  (JG) dec. Tyler Schneider (B), 1-0; 3rd: Charlie Joseph (CC) dec. Justin Palka (LW), 3-0; 5th: Mitch Wolski (C) pinned Garrett Fisk (NF) in 47 seconds.

135: 1st place: Jordan McGuire (LF) dec. James Roberts (FH), 20-13; 3rd place:  Nick Mason (CC)  dec. Jon Bannoura (LC), 5-2; 5th place: Carter Sherman (B) dec. Zach Marsh (C), 10-3.

140: 1st place: Justin Melick (CC) dec. Donnie Watkins (C), 4-3; 3rd place: Charlie Kokenakes (LS) dec. Mikkel Tipton (JG), 5-4; 5th Kyle Skotak (B), dec. Sean Rowe (LW), 5-3.

145: Doug Eldridge (CC) dec. Mike Johnson, 9-2; 3rd: Nick Tomski (F), dec. Josh Hatfield (LF), 5-2; 5th: Andrew Majewski (B) dec. Jacob Mailloux, 6-4.

152: 1st place: Matt Roos (LF) pinned Gerid Gee (CC) in 1:41; 3rd place: Sean O'Keefe (C) dec. Dan Leeb (FH), 7-4; 5th place: Chris Arnold (LS) dec. Zach Juchartz (B), 5-0.

160:  1st place: Brent Winekoff (C) dec. Kevin Beazley (FH), 14-12 (OT); 3rd place: Andrew Erickson (CC) Dec. Brian Miller (NF), 6-3; 5th place: Jimmy Gross (S) dec. Shames Delahaye (B), 8-3.

171:  1st place: Keith Zech (C) dec. Curtis Castleberry (LC), 4-3; 3rd place: Kameron Jones (JG) dec. Zach Leuenberger (LF), 9-6; 5th place: Brandon Bennett (CC) dec. Dan McCarthy (LS), 1-0.

189: 1st place: Anthony Abro (C) dec. Miles Trealout (CC), 12-5; 3rd: Andrew Schramm (LS) dec. Craig Kowalsky (LW), 5-2; 5th place: Courtney Drew (NF) dec. Dimitrius Renfroe (WM), 12-7.

215: 1st place: Mike Kinville (CC) won by maj. dec. over Ben Poirer (C), 9-1; 3rd place: Forrest Sampson (B) pinned Majd Mokbel (NF) in 3:45; 5th: Justin Roe (F) dec. Nick Simmons (LF), 10-8.

285:  1st place: Dustin Gajowiak (JG) pinned Dusti Staton (B) in 1:21; 3rd place: Dylan Wells (F) dec. Wally Eppler (P), 6-2; 5th place: Dave Knuth (CC) pinned John Scheckell (LC) in 1:32.

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